The Project


Westmeath County Council in partnership with The Office of Public Works (OPW), have commissioned the Athlone Flood Alleviation Scheme to address flooding in the town.

Objectives and Project Need

The overall objective of the works is to implement a Flood Alleviation Scheme for Athlone town that will ensure that properties and people are protected insofar as possible from the effects of flooding from the River Shannon and its tributaries.

Athlone has been subject to acute fluvial flooding in the past mainly from the Shannon and its tributary, the River Al, which flows through the east of the town. This flood risk is well documented and has been subject to hydrological and hydraulic analysis, flood risk assessment and development of a preferred option through the Shannon CFRAM Study.

How the work is being delivered

The Option Appraisal Report for Athlone Municipal District has identified eight discrete cells of
flood defence works:

  • Deerpark – Permanent embankment along Shamrock Lodge to Lock Gates.
  • Strand – Permanent flood wall between Burgess Park to Bridge (East side).
  • Quay – Permanent flood wall from Lock Gate to Bridge (West side).
  • Brick Island – including Jolly Mariner and Priory Park – A combination of permanent flood walls and embankment.
  • Marine View – A combination of flood walls and permanent embankments.
  • Iona Park – Permanent embankment and raised roads.
  • Golden Island – Permanent embankments, raised road and flood wall.
  • River Al (Cregan) – Provision of storage upstream of the N6 to attenuate flows in flood conditions.

Proposed Solution

The work for each cell will comprise four stages, as follows:

Stage I: Development of a number of flood defence options and the identification of a
preferred Scheme.

Stage II: Outline Design and Planning including an Appropriate Assessment (AA) (If
deemed necessary) and Environmental Impact Statement (If deemed necessary) where required.

Stage III: Detailed Design & Construction.

Stage IV: Handover of Works.

It is proposed that the projects will be delivered in a phased manner with cells progressing to planning and construction once all required studies and investigations have been completed to ensure works are completed in a timely fashion.

Project Timeline

Section of Athlone FAS Timeline
Iona Construction complete.
The Quay Technical studies underway since April 2017; Part 8 Planning granted September 2017; Construction commenced April 2018
Golden Island Part 8 planning granted Sept 2018.
River Al (Cregan) Likely that an EIA will be required for this works due to the size of the upstream catchment area currently ongoing; Part 8/10 Planning and subsequent construction date dependent on EIA findings
Marine View Part 8 planning granted March 2018. Construction commenced Q3 2019
Brick Island Part 8 planning granted January 2018; Construction commenced April 2018.
Deerpark Part 8 planning granted Sept 2018. Construction commenced Q2 2019
Strand Part 8 planning granted May 2018. Construction commenced Q2 2019.

Public Participation

The Project will include opportunities to participate in public consultation, as well as project information and updates on progress including through this website and events.

The project information team can be contacted with queries / submissions by both email and post.